How To Enrol into an RTO course?

Getting enrolled in an RTO course is a prosperous path to take in terms of growing a successful career if you’re a high school leaver, or do not aspire a university degree. Registered training organisations offer flexible courses that provide you with practical knowledge, working experience, and a national certificate that opens the infamous employment door.

RTO enrolment, however, can be a unknown prospect for you -- but don’t let that scare you away! It’s not as nearly as complicated as you’d think -- or people tell you-- not with great resources available to help you along the way.

Here we explain how to get enrolled into an RTO course in step-by-step instructions -- including all the little details that will help you simplify the process and make sure you make a high quality RTO choice.

Let’s get started!

Choose Your Field of Study

As with any step forward in your life, you need to know what you want in order to achieve it. If you have already chosen the industry you want to work in and climb the career ladder in, kudos toyou -- skip to the next step!

If not -- fear not. Let’s walk you through your possibilities.

The most prosperous industries nowadays are definitely hospitality, management, tourism, and business. With new technologies making the world a smaller place day by day, the number of tourists and hotel & restaurant visitors is only on the increase. On the other hand, entrepreneurship has never been as encouraged as it is today.

You can obtain certificates for working in more basic positions, such as -- bartender, waiter, kitchen assistant, with the possibility to upgrade to a higher position or become one of a kind -- the best cocktail master there is, for example, or a world famous chef! You can decide to work as a receptionist, hotel manager, administrator, or learn how to start your own business and be your own boss.

If you’re too busy to go to classes, or simply prefer studying from your living room sofa, some RTOs provide a great range of online courses.

At Barrington College, we have the possibility of online studying for most the courses we offer.

Possibilities are as big as your ability to see and grasp them -- you can work as a 2* hotel receptionist your entire life, or you can end up managing a chain of 5+ star hotels. The choice is yours.

When making your choice, if your heart is not making it clear for you -- consider your talents, personality traits, and previous experience. If you are a highly communicative person enjoying making other people’s lives easier -- then hospitality management may be the right choice. If you enjoy spending your free time in the kitchen, preparing yummy food for your friends & family and inventing your own recipes -- then you should give cookery course a go. If you’ve always been a curious person creating new things on your own -- you may as well learn how to “create” yourself a business.

If you’re still confused, try asking your closest friends and family members how they see you -- their answers can give you a surprising perspective.

You may need help from a third party, if so then sign up for our free career design session. Talk with one of our professionals -- they will help you realise the direction you want your career to move in, and what’s the right next step for you to make.

Browse for RTOs that Provide Courses in That Specific Field

Now that you’ve chosen what you want to study -- the next step is to choose where.

When it comes to your quest to find a college, Google may be your best friend. Naturally -- why waste time anywhere else when all options are already available, free, and a click away?! Besides -- every serious RTO will make an online appearance.

To narrow down your search, google specific industry courses at RTOs. For example: hospitality RTO courses keyword will provide you with good results. RTO courses keyword will be too broad to answer your query right away.

You can also trust friends’ recommendations and join FB groups to find out about other students’ impressions, experiences, and recommendations.

If you’re passing by an RTO campus everyday on your way home -- it also doesn’t cost you your time to walk in and get first-hand information from their receptionist.

Review Their Website: Here’s What to Look For

Once you’ve landed on a website, carefully inspect its legitimacy. An RTO website should contain all relevant information about the organisation itself, courses they offer, payment conditions, national subsidies, previous students’ testimonials, contact information, and even offer the possibility to apply online.

If the website you landed on does not contain much information or looks suspicious -- skip it! Living in a technology era, every good RTO that upholds its reputation will do their best to make a professional online appearance.

Not doing this implies that they may not have adopted the contemporary systems of learning and communication -- which won’t help you build your career in the 21st century.

To avoid any possible scam, look for the RTO’s unique government registration number. According to Australian Government Law, each RTO is obliged to add their registration number to their website and social media channels. No course can be promoted (by paid or unpaid means) without having a unique government registration number next to its name. Here’s how that looks like:


If you’re not seeing a unique registration number next to their organisation name, course presentation, and on their FB, Twitter and Instagram pages -- run! Run right away!

Check If You’re Qualified for Government Funding

Wherever you go (...whatever you do ♪♪♪… just kidding), there is a great chance you are available for government funding. Many RTOs work with the government in a joint effort to make education as cheap as possible and available for everyone.

Contact the RTO for More Details

If you think you’ve found a good match, but you’re still not completely sure or need more information, don’t hesitate to dial the number and talk to the college personnel. Every decent RTO will welcome you with a kind, helpful receptionist that will walk you through every step of the way and answer all the questions to help you put the puzzle together.

Sometimes, you won’t be able to find out the exact price of the course you’re interested in, but only the price range. This happens because the price is not the same for everyone. You may come to think that this is unfair -- but it is exactly the opposite. Many RTOs do so because they want to help those who can’t afford to pay too much. In that case, make a call or write an email using contact information on that specific RTO’s website.

Fill Out The Application Form

Once you finally decide to apply, you will be given an application form to fill out and submit to the school. Their enrolment team will review your application, and if they are satisfied with your application form, you will receive a Letter of Enrolment.

RTOs with a contemporary approach to education tend to have their application forms available on their website and enable online submission, because they are aware that all their current and future students use the internet whenever possible to make their lives easier and save time snail-mailing or delivering the application in person.

When contacting your RTO, ask them how long it takes to review the form and get back to you -- that way you’ll avoid being anxious waiting for your results every single moment.

Fingers Crossed!

Once you’ve submitted your application, the only thing left is to keep your fingers crossed and look forward to new acquaintances, practical learning, and the experience you’ll gain!

If by any chance you don’t get accepted -- don’t be discouraged and DO NOT give up. Contact the RTO to ask them what made them make that decision, and what could you have done better for next time. Use that feedback to better shape your next form application, and go pursue your next choice.

“May the odds be ever in your favour!”

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